Research publications

Peer reviewed article - G.Butte, K.Khadka, A.Aldinucci,B.Makaulay, S,Buchar, Spring Revival in the Mid-Hills of the Himalaya: A Socioeconomic Assessment Using Benefit-Cost Analysis, MRD.

Peer reviewed article - G.Butte, Y. T. Solano-Correa, M. Valasia Peppa, D. Ruiz-Ordonez, R. Maysels, N. Tuqan, X. Polaine, C. Montoya Pachongo, C. Walsh, T.C. Curtis, Data gathering for Water Security: a Proposed Framework, Water. 2022; 14(18):2907.

Conference paper - Acharya, K., Butte, G., & Werner, D. (2023). Environmental DNA Sequencing for Sustainable Aquaculture and Other Technologies for Water Quality Management. Conference at Kung Krabaen Bay Royal Development Study Center, 3‑6 July 2023.

Peer reviewed article - Andualem Mekonnen Hiruy, Jemila Mohammed, Mihret Mersha Haileselassie, Kishor Acharya, Giacomo Butte, Alemseged Tamiru Haile, Claire Walsh, David Werner, Spatiotemporal variaton in urban wastewater pollution impacts on river microbiomes and associated hazards in the Akaki catchment, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 826, 2022.

Peer reviewed article - G. Butte, C. Niwagaba, A. Nordin, Assessing the microbial risk of faecal sludge use in Ugandan agriculture by comparing field and theoretical model output, Water Research,Volume 197,2021.

Peer reviewed article - Pantha, K., Acharya, K., Mohapatra, S. S.Khanal, N.Amatya, C.Ospina-Betancourth, G.Butte, S.Dhun Shrestha, P.Rajbhandari, D Werner Faecal polluton source tracking in the holy Bagmat River by portable 16S rRNA gene sequencing npj Clean Water 4, 12 (2021).

Policy Briefing - G. Butte, C. Niwagaba, A. Nordin, Fecal sludge as agricultural fertliser, what are the risks for consumers?


Web dashboard - An interactve dashboard mapping violent events in Sudan,2021, developed using R and Shiny,

Educational webpage - A 10 minute introducton to Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment, 2021, developed using Idyll,

Architectural design

Selected design and architecture projects .pdf


Engineering report / coursework
Preliminary design for a 22 storey tower .pdf
Financial appraisal for the construction of a temporary bridge .pdf.

Policy analysis / coursework
Analysis of migration patters in the italian Alps .pdf
What COVID recovery policies for Ladakh? A preliminary screening .pdf

Context analysis / coursework
Report on basic characterisation of Ladakh .pdf