
Working for MSF in Bangladesh untill August as construction manager. in the last quarter of 2024 will be doing two interesting projects on product knowledge for research with ICIMOD and SLU.


I have spent the last 20 years by studying and working on different aspects of the relationship between human society, the built and the natural environment. Between 2000 and 2010 I have studied and worked in design and architecture firms exploring the cultural and socio-economic drivers that shape the built environment. In 2010, after relocating to Cambodia I started working as a consultant and contractor in the development sector. I have designed urban upgrading in informal settlements, small community centres. In Nepal I had the opportunity of being part of the post-earthquake response and reconstruction.

In 2018, I took an MSc in Environmental Engineering at Newcastle University to better understand the relationship between the built and the natural environment. I was part of research projects on water quality and environmental risk assessment. This was also a great opportunity to acquire a sharper work methodology and learn new tools for assessment and analysis.

In 2020 I have started working in the emergency sector as water, sanitation and habitat project manager. I have worked in Sudan (ICRC), Liberia and Malawi (MSF) mostly on health facilities infrastructure, water supply and emergency response.


If I could make a wish, I would like to work between field operations and HQ, between practitioners and researchers bridging different stakeholders.