
Context: decision in humanitarian context happen in a context characterized by urgency, high consequences for the choice made, time pressure, uncertainty. These aspects affect decision makers in different ways…

Sensemaking has been found to be faulty (knox campbel). It is affected by information used, mental-models, situational awareness with all the biases attached to them. Working in unfamiliar context, often with poor preparation does not help. Additionally, I would suggest, there is often a mentality that sees the humanitarian guidelines, protocols, etc. as a body of knowledge that is universal and therefore applicable anywhere and anytime.

!<–The significance of the decisions that have to be made (Cosgrave 1996; Hayles 2010; Metcalfe et al. 2011), lack of information on which to base these decisions (Hobbs et al. 2012; Ortuño et al. 2013; Colombo and Checchi 2018), consequent uncertainty (Benini 1997; Kruke and Olsen 2012; Ortuño et al. 2013), and lack of time in which to make decisions (Cosgrave 1996; Hayles 2010; Comes 2016). decisions are made in situations that are complex, uncertain, and time constrained; where there are many (often poorly coordinated) response actors; and where the stakes are extremely high4.–> - rinke on risk - decisio nunder uncertainties

keywords for future explorations

Sensemaking theory