Chapter 2 WS boundaries

2.1 Concepts

2.1.1 Water Security

At a theoretical level, different definitions for Water Security (WS) exists and generally revolve around four main themes: water availability, human vulnerability to hazard, human needs and sustainability (Cook and Bakker 2012). One of the most used definition defines WS as: “the reliable availability of an acceptable quantity and quality of water for health, livelihoods and production, coupled with an acceptable level of water-related risks” (Grey and Sadoff 2007). No globally accepted dentition exist due to the complexity of WS and to the diversity of contexts that can be found around the globe.

At an operational level, several tools exist to assess WS and water vulnerability (Plummer, Loë, and Armitage 2012). Ws is usually divided into dimensions and sub-dimension (water resources, economics, institutions, social, physical environment) with associated indicators.Tools have been created for specific aspects of WS such as scarcity (Brown 2011), for freshwater (Norman et al. 2013), for specific geographical context such as small islands (Holding and Allen 2016), for different geographical scales.

In the diagram below we can observe that WS is divided into ten dimension (water quality, climate…). In the case of water quality, three sub-dimension exists: wastewater, groundwater (GW) and surface water quality. In this case each sub-dimension is assessed using one parameter (% of treated discharges, GW quality and surface water quality). in the last column parameters that could be used for each indicator are shown.

2.1.2 A place-based WS definition

Since no universal definition and assessment tool exist, there is a need to approach WS from a place-based (and time-based) perspective. The proposed process suggests to start looking at existing tools and understanding what dimension, subdimension and indicators could be used. The choice of parameters is left for a later stage of the process.

The following table shows the dimension and indicators used across some WS indexes (Vörösmarty et al. 2010; Gain, Giupponi, and Wada 2016; Lautze and Manthrithilake 2014; Mason and Calow 2012; ADB 2013; Gassert et al. 2014) and SDGs 6 and 11.

Table 2.1: List of dimensions and indicators used in different assessment tools with frequency of usage.
Dimension Indicator Frequency
Climate Rainfall variability: Coefficient of variability for CMI (StdDev(CMI)/Mean(CMI); unitless 0.125
Climate Climate variability:Risk index based on topographical variability, water resources, water access, water utilisation, human and institutional capacity 0.125
Climate Interannual, or between year, variability is defined as the coefficient of variation (CV) of available water for each sub-basin. 0.125
Climate Seasonal variability measures the average within-year variability of available water supply, including both renewable surface and groundwater supplies. 0.125
Climate Drought Index is calculated usingPCR-GLOBWB. The values with higher DI lead to decrease water security. (Source: Wada 2012) 0.125
Damages Direct economic loss in relation to global GDP, damage to critical infrastructure and number of disruptions to basic services, attributed to disasters 0.250
Damages Flood mortality risk :Risk calculated as function of hazards (GIS data), vulnerability (statistical analysis of historical events), and modelled population exposure; 0.250
Damages Number of deaths, missing persons and directly affected persons attributed to disasters per 100,000 population 0.125
Damages Riverine flood risk measures the percentage of population expected to be affected by riverine flooding in an average year, accounting for existing flood-protection standards (frequencies above 10% are considered) 0.125
Damages Coastal flood risk measures the percentage of the population expected to be affected by coastal flooding in an average year, accounting for existing flood protection standards. 0.125
Damages Flood frequencyindex Source:Center forHetal 2005 0.125
Demand total withdrawals /TARWR 0.625
Demand TARWR/population (FAO AQUASTAT) 0.375
Demand Dam storage capacity / population*100,000 0.250
Demand Groundwater table decline measures the average decline of the groundwater table as the average change for the period of study (1990–2014) 0.250
Demand Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources 0.250
Demand River water health index, water resource development: relative water consumption compared to supply 0.250
Demand River water health index, water resource development: agriculture sector water stress 0.250
Demand dynamic TARWR/population 0.125
Demand Aggregate upstream water demand/total water supply 0.125
Demand Water withdrawals/ available water, adjusted for estimated Environmental Water Requirement; GWSP 0.125
Demand Consumption rate (net virtual water consumed relative to water with- drawn for industry) 0.125
Demand Percentage of Renewable Water Resources (RWR) available in excess of environmental water requirement (EWR). That is, [RWR - (environmental water requirement + withdrawn water)]/RWR 0.125
Demand Water supply (%) 0.125
Demand Geospatially derived water withdrawals/ dynamic TARWR; unitless 0.125
Demand Various e.g. dependence on virtual water imports; national blue, green and grey water footprints of consumption AND/ OR consumption; 0.125
Drinking water Proportion of population using safely managed drinking water services 0.875
Ecosystems River water health index, water resource development: dam density 0.250
Ecosystems River water health index, water resource development: river fragmentation 0.250
Ecosystems Geospatial estimate on river fragmentation 0.250
Ecosystems Change in the extent of water-related ecosystems over time 0.250
Ecosystems River water health index, watershed disturbace: cropland 0.250
Ecosystems River water health index, watershed disturbace: imperviousness 0.250
Ecosystems River water health index, watershed disturbace: livestock density 0.250
Ecosystems River water health index, watershed disturbace: wetland disconnection 0.250
Ecosystems River water health index, biotic factor: nonnative species 0.250
Ecosystems River water health index, biotic factor: nonnative species richness 0.250
Ecosystems River water health index, biotic factor: catch pressure 0.250
Ecosystems River water health index, water resource development: residency time change downstream from dams 0.125
Ecosystems Annual change in freshwater species; 0.125
Ecosystems Water Resource development : flow disruption 0.000
Efficiency / Value River water health index, biotic factor: aquaculture 0.250
Efficiency / Value Value added (value of output less value of immediate consumption) by agriculture/ agricultural water withdrawals; AQUASTAT 0.250
Efficiency / Value Value added by industry/ industrial water withdrawals 0.250
Efficiency / Value Aquaculture production/ population; tonnes per capita 0.250
Efficiency / Value Change in water-use efficiency over time 0.125
Efficiency / Value The Peak RepRisk country ESG risk index quantifies business conduct risk exposure related to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues in the corresponding country. 0.125
Efficiency / Value Productivity of irrigated agriculture 0.125
Efficiency / Value Productivity (financial value of industrial goods relative to industrial water withdrawal) 0.125
Efficiency / Value Utilization of total hydropower capacity 0.125
Efficiency / Value ratio of hydropower to total energy supply 0.125
Finance Amount of water- and sanitation-related official development assistance that is part of a government-coordinated spending plan 0.125
Management Proportion of transboundary basin area with an operational arrangement for water cooperation 0.375
Management Proportion of local administrative units with established and operational policies and procedures for participation of local communities in water and sanitation management 0.375
Management World Governance Index (Kaufmann etal 2010) 0.125
Management Transboundary legal framework (Source: 0.125
Management Percentage of key water indicators reliably tracked by national government; percentage 0.125
Management Degree of integrated water resources management 0.125
Management Transboundary political tensions : indicators/) 0.125
Quality Proportion of domestic and industrial wastewater flows safely treated 0.500
Quality Proportion of bodies of water with good ambient water quality 0.250
Quality River water health index, pollution (different parameters) 0.250
Quality Change in chlorophyll/ turbidity/ suspended solids (MODIS) 0.125
Quality Coastal eutrophication potential (CEP) measures the potential for riverine loadings of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and silica (Si) to stimulate harmful algal blooms in coastal waters. 0.125
Quality Water quality index Srebotnjak etal 2012) 0.125
Resilience resilience (percentage of renewable water resources stored in large dams) 0.125
Resilience Risk Management measures the extent to which countries are buffered from the effects of rainfall variability through large dam storage 0.125
Resilience Independence measures the extent to which countries water and food supplies are safe and secure from external changes or shocks 0.125
Resilience Independence from imported water and goods 0.125

At the end of this step, a suitable set of dimension, sub-dimension (with associated thresholds for Water Security) should be identified.

2.2 Tools

2.3 An example: WQ for Akaki river

2.3.1 Identifying sub-dimension for Water Quality

Water quality was taken as an example on how to determine indicators for a given dimension. Five different indexes were compared (ADB, 2013; Babel and Shinde, 2013; Carden and Armitage, 2013; Hofste et al., 2019; Mason and Calow, 2012; UN-EP-DHI and UNEP, 2016) within the water quality dimension (Table 2). The comparison showed that the selected indicators indicators converge to three distinct areas: assessment of river water quality (WQ01), groundwater quality (WQ02) and amount of treated discharge to the environment (WQ03). At a more detailed level, the indexes often use different parameters or methods. Three sub-dimension were identified with associated indicators:

Dimension: Water Quality


  • surface water quality (WQ01) assessed using a suite of parameters that needs to be determined based on the project.

  • groundwater quality (WQ02) assessed using a suite of parameters to be determined based on the project.

  • Discharges to the environment assessed as the fraction of untreated wastewater (WQ03).

Threholds for Water Security:

WQ01 - surface water: to be determined using an existing River Water Quality Index

WQ02 - Groundwater quality: to be determined using an existing Groundwater Quality Index

WQ03 - 100% of wastewater is treated before being discharged. As a second step, national regulation on discharges should be met for >80% of cases.As a third step, 100% of wastewater are treated and complly with national regulation on discharges.

Table 2.2: comparison of indicators used in different WS indexes to assess water quality.
Sub.dimension Indicator Frequency.of.use
Discharges Treated wastewater 60%
Discharges Wastewater management (RPMS – KPI 6 / Green Drop) 20%
Groundwater Concentration of site-specific pollutants /Permissible limits of these pollutants 20%
Groundwater Groundwater quality (State report) 20%
Surface water Dissolved oxygen concentration/Permissible limit concentration 20%
Surface water Country-specific conditions (ADB, 2013) 20%
Surface water BOD 5-day values of river water samples. (Mehr, 2011) 20%
Surface water Change in percentage freshwater of samples meeting quality standards (from GEMS) 20%
Surface water Change in chlorophyll/ turbidity/ suspended solids; from MODIS satellite UN-Water EG-IMD (2009) 20%
Surface water Coastal eutrophication potential (CEP) s based on Billen and Garnier’s (2007) 20%
Surface water Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) (sub-indicator 4a) b) , Dissolved inorganic phosphorous (DIP) (sub-indicator 4b) 20%
Surface water Water resource quality (River health, State report) 20%